Digital Toolbox Showcase

SAMR model

SAMR? Never heard of it.

The readings and videos in our module helped me understand that SAMR stands for Substitution-Augmentation-Modification-Redefinition. It made me realize that most of the technology I already use in my classroom falls under substitution and augmentation. I generally use technology to display presentations (augmented lectures) and show videos. I’ll be using the Jeopardy-style FlipQuiz this year to do some reviews — that’s substitution. I’ll be recommending Quizlet as a study aid — that’s augmentation.

I don’t have much in my class in terms of modification and redefinition. My Careers students do some coding and game design with Hour of Code and Gamestar Mechanic during the S.T.E.M. unit (that’s redefinition); they’re great activities but they’re isolated to a couple weeks. I have yet to find a technological resource that is transformatively useful in my Leadership Development class, Careers class, or Current Events class. There are numerous apps and websites for the core subjects but a dearth of resources for electives like mine.

I’ve set the following criteria for the digital tools I plan on using:

  • COST: I prefer free. As I experiment with new apps, I don’t want them spending money on something I may end up disliking.
  • BLOOM’S TAXONOMY: Does the resource fall under knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, or evaluation?
  • SAMR: Does the tech resource substitute, augment, modify, or redefine?
  • 21ST CENTURY SKILLS: Does it teach creativity and innovation? Does it teach critical thinking and problem solving? Does it teach communication and collaboration?
  • DEVICE: Does it require a computer with Internet access, an iOS device, an Android device, or can it be used on all of them?
  • USE: What is the purpose or potential use in my classes?

I didn’t categorize all the tools I selected into Bloom’s Taxonomy and 21st Century Skills because I’d prefer to wait until I’ve put them to use and seen them in action. All of them are free and accessible to students on computers and/or devices.

Take a look at my Digital Toolbox.


  1. Like you, I didn’t actually realize that there was an application or naming-system for the technologies that we have been using in place of the “old school” method. I do like how you have incorporated Bloom’s into your evaluation rubric, which keeps you focused on the educational value and benefit to the student. One thing that I would encourage you to keep in the back of your mind as you review the thousands and thousands of Web 2.0 tools and apps is the credibilityof where the information is comfing from. Certainly, I am not opposed to a student creating an app or program; however, as I was searching for my own apps I had to look closely at the content and the maker.

  2. Wow! You did such a thorough job on your toolbox! I am so impressed with how you were able to incorporate your apps with your criteria! I know I categorized mine in Pinterest and can click on each app to find out exactly what it does for me, but so nice to have it all there in front of you on the same page!

  3. I am impressed with your rubric, you’ve made it easy for anyone to determine which tools will be useful in their application. I especially appreciate that you tie each tool back to SMAR, it adds perspective as I consider the tools for my own use. Thank you!

  4. One of your criteria was cost. You mention that all of your apps are free. I understand the rationale that you want to keep costs low and not have to pay for something that you aren’t sure will work out. But did you find it difficult to find only free apps that fit the rest of your criteria? Many of the apps I found that were free had in-app purchases. One app that I found that may be useful for you was Toontastic. They have a free version and a school version that is $9.99.

    • It did make it difficult for a few apps. I’d like one, but then see the cost was $3 or $5 and didn’t look into the app further, especially if I knew there was a similar but free app out there. I think once I get more comfortable with allowing my students to use technology in my classroom, I’ll go out venturing for apps again and consider the ones with costs.

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